
Safeguarding Support

Student Safeguarding Information (Safeguarding Icon)

Please use the above link to access a form to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Coles and the Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Ms Broom or our Heads of Year. 

Alternatively you can e-mail This account will be monitored by Mrs Coles and Ms Broom during school hours only.

 IF THIS IS URGENT AND THE YOUNG PERSON IS AT RISK OF HARM PLEASE CALL the Police on 999 or Children's Social Care (Somerset Direct) on Tel:0300 123 2224. Out of hours service please call Emergency Duty Team on Tel:0300 123 2327

Click here for our latest  Safeguarding Newsletter for parents. 

Archive Newsletters; January 2024October 2023Jan 2023 - October 2022May 2022February 2022 - October 2021 -  June 2021

Online Safety

Wellbeing@Westfield Mental and emotional health  

Child Exploitation

Extremism and Radicalisation  

At Westfield Academy, we are committed to providing an environment that nurtures and transforms the lives of children and young people attending our Academy and take seriously our responsibilities to safeguard and promote their welfare.

'Keeping Children safe in Education (DFE 2024)' and  'Working Together to Safeguard Children' (DFE 2023) requires all schools, to follow the procedures for protecting children from abuse. Westfield has appropriate procedures in place for responding to situations in which we believe that a child has been abused or is at risk of abuse, together with procedures to cover circumstances in which a member of staff is accused of, or suspected of, abuse.    

All staff, governors and volunteers have regular safeguarding training and are required to be familiar with and implement our policies and practices aimed at keeping students safe. Staff recruitment is led by staff trained in safer recruitment procedures.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Coles

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Broom (Senior Mental Health Lead)

All children meet daily with their tutor, whilst our Heads of Year are available to respond immediately to any pastoral issues. Where appropriate, concerns are referred to agencies including Children’s Social Care and the Police.

Personal development  is taught across the curriculum which teaches and encourages our students to keep themselves safe. Our assembly and tutor programmes  re-enforce these messages.  

The school has a range of Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures which are reviewed regularly. These include:

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Visitors’ Safeguarding Procedures
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Whistle-blowing Policy
  • Fire and Evacuation Policy
  • ICT: Staff Acceptable Use Policy
  • ICT: Student Acceptable Use Policy
  • Attendance and Punctuality Policy
  • Behaviour for Learning Policy
  • Recruitment Procedure - (Including Safer Recruitment and Disclosure and Barring Service)