Westfield Academy is committed to serving its community.


The development of our students academically, personally and professionally is at the heart of everything we do at Westfield Academy. We have a vision for the school to reflect this: ‘To develop and inspire young people to thrive in a changing world through seeing the qualities in every child ’.

Our core values of Strive (Scholarship, Teamwork, Resilience, Integrity, Versatility and Empathy) underpin this vision and will form an integral part of student’s daily school life. Students should leave us not only having fulfilled their personal best in terms of academic results, but also equipped with these core values to enable them to thrive in all stages of their lives.

We want our students to be hardworking, resilient, responsible and empathetic individuals who strive to achieve personal success, develop a love for learning and contribute positively to their wider community. We want to equip them with 21st century competencies and prepare them for Further Education & the world of work.

In order to achieve this, Westfield Academy offers a wider curriculum centred around our Academy’s core values. We deliver our curriculum through high quality care, welfare, teaching & learning, and offer multiple opportunities for our students to extend their learning beyond the classroom.

Through a Values based education, we will:

  • Raise expectations and secure positive attitudes to learning.
  • Achieve a real, measurable and beneficial difference in behaviour and conduct.
  • Ensure students and adults strive to reach their full potential.
  • Achieve the highest standards possible in supporting pupils to achieve.
  • Encourage students to become innovative and resilient learners, using a variety of learning styles.
  • Invest in our core values and develop a common language between students, parents, staff and our governing body in every aspect of school.
  • Respect and value others.
  • Encourage our school community to make positive choices.
  • Staff to model the school and fundamental British values such as mutual respect, tolerance and the law.
  • Have a personal pride in being part of our school and the wider community.




Each day during Wider Curriculum time with Tutors, students will participate in activities which will develop the STRIVE Values.  Character Building, Current Affairs, Literacy/Careers, The House Programme & Assemblies.

The topics which link to our Cultural Calendar will recognize one of our six STRIVE Values each half term.