

2025/2026 Admission Arrangements

2024/2025 Admission Arrangements

2023/2024 Admission Arrangements

2022/2023 Admission Arrangements

2021/2022 Admission Arrangements

2020/2021 Admission Arrangements

2019/2020 Admission Arrangements

As an Academy, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for the school. Westfield Academy currently adheres to Somerset Schools Admissions protocol. All applications for a place at Westfield Academy should be directed to the School Admissions Team. To request an application form or to request further information please contact:

Somerset Local Authority Admissions on 0845 4564038 Westfield Academy School Office on 01935 423747 Or e mail a request to:

The deadline for school place applications for September 2024 is 31 October 2023 For further information, please click here.

The Somerset School Admissions Team will process applications and pass a list to the Governing Body at Westfield Academy for consideration.

Year 7 Transfer Application

For each new year group starting in September we have a planned admission limit of 210 students in Year 7. This limit is set to ensure the school runs as efficiently as possible with the resources we have. If we have more requests for places than the number of places available the over subscription criteria below will be used to decide which children are offered places.

IMPORTANT: The closing date for submission of 2024 intake application forms is 31 October 2023. If your application has not been received by the School Admissions Team by this time it will be considered as late.

Offering and refusing places

Decisions will be sent out from the School Admissions Team via email (for online applications) on 1 March 2023.  If you applied using a paper application form your outcome will be sent out by second class post on 1 March 2023 or the next working day.

Refused places and appeals

If the Governing Body Admissions Panel are unable to offer places to students who have applied you do have the right to an independent Appeal Committee. Details will be given in your outcome letter. If you need further information please contact Somerset Direct: 0845 4564038 or click on this link:  Somerset County Council - Appeals

Appeals Timetable

  • 1 March 2024 - Parents refused a place informed by the School Admissions Team
  • TBC - Appeals in writing must be received by this date

Appellants will receive at least 10 school days' notice of their appeal hearing. Decision letters will normally be sent within 5 days of the hearing wherever possible.

Waiting Lists

Somerset School Admissions do not operate waiting lists for admission to the school. There are no statutory requirements for admission authorities to operate or maintain waiting lists.

In Year Application

We welcome enquiries from parents of students who are already in Secondary education and are considering a transfer to Westfield Academy. Parents who express an interest are invited to contact the school to arrange a tour. The application for transfer should then be made to the School Admissions Team. In the event of a year group being full, the Governing Body Admissions Panel will consider each application carefully. Applications are considered in the date order that they are received by the School Admissions Team. The Governing Body will follow the over subscription criteria as set out by Somerset County Council if two applications are received on the same day.

A letter will be sent to you from the School offering or refusing a place within 10 working days of a completed application being received.

To download the In-Year Application Form please click here.


Year Group Planned Admission Number Planned Admission Limit
Year 7 210 -
Year 8 210 -
Year 9 210 -
Year 10 204 -
Year 11 204 200

Students with disabilities

The above arrangements also apply to students with disabilities. We presently have on role students who have a range of disabilities. We especially welcome such students as they add to the diversity of our school community.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at the school to arrange an appointment to discuss your son/daughter’s needs.