School Meals & School Transport

School Transport

School Transport is provided by Somerset Council.

The link below will take you to the School Transport section of their website where you will find all the information you need and can download an application form.

Somerset Council School Transport

School Meals

School Meals at Westfield are operated by Taylor Shaw Ltd. They offer a full range of hot food at our Hubbles Restaurant and a smaller selection from the servery in the Lower School.

The school operates a cashless catering system and students use biometrics (thumb prints) to access their accounts, which parents can top up with money online. Students eligible for Free School Meals will have their account topped up with £2.60 each day.

Free School Meals

If you think that you might be entitled to claim free School Meals for your child/children please click below for more information and an application form.

Free School Meals Information and application form