Support for Parents

Parent and Family Support Adviser - Annabel Bates

What is a PFSA?

Parent & Family Support Advisers are appointed to provide direct support to young people and their families.

The PFSA can help in a variety of ways including: school attendance, participation, behaviour & parenting. Additionally, a PFSA can support parents accessing other agencies.

Aims of a PFSA

  • To promote communication between home and school
  • To increase attendance and outcomes.
  • To provide information, support and advice to parents in relation to outside agencies and groups.
  • To promote the participation and partnership working of  home and school.

The PFSA Service

A confidential, informative and flexible approach to meet your families needs.

A one-to-one service which can be arranged in a families own home, by appointment.

Help and support to identify and access services available to families.


You can contact Annabel by email or by telephoning the school: