Year 9 Options Evening - Core Subjects


Studying English Literature and Language will expose you to a number of famous and diverse writers and poets from the 19th, 20th and 21st Century. You will explore texts from a variety of genres such as: The Gothic, Tragedy, Comedy, Adventure, Surrealism, and Political Satire.

You will have the opportunity to explore, explain and comment on writers’ crafts and structuring of a text. You will also be able to evaluate the impact of society on the characters, plot and themes within the texts we study. You will also be able to explore how wider philosophical, political, social, and economic contexts influence the writing and understanding of texts.

You will also develop your creative writing skills in both fiction and non-fiction styles and have the opportunity to deliver an oral presentation on a topic of your choice.


By the end of Year 11 all students will be:

  • Reading confidently and fluidly .
  • Able to select relevant information from a text.
  • Have the ability to infer and deduce (from the above information the writer’s viewpoint.)
  • Using  a personal writing style using a range of literary techniques for effect.
  • Using structural features to have an impact on the reader and to emphasise primary and secondary information clearly.
  • Using spoken language in a controlled, structured and impacting manner to present a personal viewpoint to an audience.


By the end of Year 11 all students will be:

  • Reading novels and sustaining interest and understanding across a longer text.
  • Exploring and understanding key characters, ideas, messages and themes within a text.
  • Being able to make links between ideas within a text and the society in which the text was written.
  • Being able to comment on the methods used by a writer to convey a message.
  • Engage with critical perspectives from Marxism to Feminism and psychoanalytic theories.
  • Take an exploratory approach to understanding writer’s intent
  • Comment on structural devices used by the writer in conveying their message.
  • Craft extended written responses in an academic style.


Further study of Mathematics will improve your ability to communicate verbally, in symbolic form and in a logical and systematic manner.  You will get involved in a variety of investigational and problem-solving situations working either on your own or in groups. Mathematics is a universal qualification.  This subject will support the work you do in several other curriculum areas.

BY THE END OF KEY STAGE 4 a mathematically literate student should be able to:

  • Perform basic numeracy skills fluently.
  • Perform basic mathematical skills needed in their chosen career or for entry to higher or further mathematical education.
  • Understand the mathematics likely to be encountered in daily life.
  • Reason clearly and logically, and to set out rational arguments.
  • Identify patterns encountered in diverse situations and to make inferences from these.
  • Approach problems systematically and choose appropriate techniques for their solution.
  • Experience satisfaction in and enjoyment of mathematical experiences and achievements.
  • Develop fluency in performing key mathematical skills so they become second nature.
  • Reason mathematically, think logically and flexibly to develop sound mathematical arguments.
  • Solve problems in a diverse range of situations.

All students follow Mathematics courses appropriate to their ability. At the end of Key Stage 4, students take the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics examination at Foundation or Higher tier.


All students study science at GCSE which comprises Biology, Chemistry and Physics content.  Students will take either Combined Science or Triple Science and can progress to further education in science, for example A-Levels, by taking either route.

CORE SUBJECT INFORMATION - Studying Combined Science results in students gaining two GCSE grades. It covers a broad range of science concepts, introducing students to the methods used to question and analyse the world around us. Combined Science enables students to plan and problem solve, allowing them to make considered decisions about the factors which affect the quality of life we wish to enjoy. 

WHAT WILL I STUDY? - At Westfield, students will follow the AQA Science specification for Combined Science. The Combined Science course covers content ranging from Cell Biology, Atomic Structure and Energy, to Ecology, Crude Oil and Fuels and Radioactivity. There is something to interest everyone!

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? - The Science GCSEs are all assessed by terminal exams in Year 11. Final grades for the Combined Science GCSEs are gained from six 1hr 15-minute exams (2 Biology, 2 Chemistry, 2 Physics). Students will be awarded 2 grades in Combined Science based on all six exams, for example 5-5 or 5-4


Why do we need to teach Ethics?

Philosophy & Ethics looks at important issues that can impact a person’s life.

It broadens your understanding of people and helps you to see both sides of an argument.  It is helpful as it improves your understanding of others, broadens the mind and makes you think more about the world around you. It will enable you to develop your opinions on key, often controversial, issues which affect our society today. Class discussions give you the opportunity to see various issues from numerous perspectives.  It gives you an understanding of religious concepts that promotes social harmony and religious tolerance. It is finding out about our personal, cultural and religious beliefs. You learn more about yourself and others. You are encouraged to listen to advice from others, weigh it up, and then make your own choice and justify them in a logical, sympathetic and convincing manner.


You take part in a full and varied range of sport in KS3. In KS4 we aim to build on what you already know and hope to offer new opportunities.  Sport in Years 10 & 11 gives a mental release from academic pressures and allows you to continue a healthy lifestyle.  As your bodies develop physically through training, so does your confidence and positive attitude.  These are vital skills to help you achieve your best in your life beyond Westfield.