Online Safety

Online Safety For Parents

Here are some really useful websites to help you navigate and understand the online world our children live in: 

Parents/Carers Guide to Safer Internet Use  or  Thinkuknow Helpsheets

A Parents Guide to Dealing with 'Sexting' Parent Guide to Online Sexual Harassment

Online Safety for Students

  • Don’t post personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.
  • Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself.  Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online, it’s not yours anymore!
  • Keep your privacy settings as high as possible
  • Never give out your passwords
  • Don’t befriend people you don’t know
  • Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online - - speak to your parent or carer about anybody suggesting you do.
  • Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are
  • Think carefully about what you say before you post something online
  • Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.
  • If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.

Do you know who you are talking to?

Where to look for help and advice:

If you are worried, talk to your parents, tutor, Head of Year, Safeguarding Lead or a trusted adult.

Report any abuse via:  

or use the reporting process on each individual website or app.