Young Chef

Eloisa Lloyd beat strong competition in 2 previous rounds and secured herself a place in the South West Final of the Rotary Club Young Chef Competition. This is a national competition run every year by the Rotary Club. She didn’t win the regional round to make the National Final this time, but she did incredibly well to make it that far. Contestants had to cook a 3 course meal in 2 hours based on healthy eating. Her theme was 'Gone Fishing' and she made an anchovy and burrato mozzarella salad, healthy fish pie with pea puree and glazed carrots, and a n av o cad o c h oc o la te m o u s se w i t h m ou ld e d chocolate shells. Well done on your achievement Eloisa, a great opportunity to showcase some of the skills you have gained from your GCSE Food and Nutrition course at school! 


Released On 4th Apr 2018