General Election

On Thursday 8th June, Westfield Academy held their own mock General Election giving students the opportunity to experience the voting system first hand and voice their opinion as to who they would have supported given the chance. 

It was a re-sounding win for Jo Roundell Greene of the Liberal Democrats among students and staff. 

Labour came in as the second most popular choice for Years 7, 8 & 10, with Conservative & Liberal Democrats both receiving equal support from our Year 9's. 

Thanks to all for taking part. We hope this exercise gave our students a greater understanding of the General Election and will encourage them to make their votes count in the future when they reach the legal age to vote.

  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Total
Liberal Democrats
Jo Roundell Greene
34.9% 37.6% 34.3% 35.5% 35.3%
Ian Martin
27.6% 33.9% 17.5% 21.5% 25%
Marcus Fysh
21.3% 14.7% 34.3% 16.1% 22.6%
Robert Wood
14.4% 11% 9.7% 23.7% 14.1%
Robert Wood
14.4% 11% 9.7% 23.7% 14.1%
Katie Prichard - Independent 14.4% 11% 9.7% 23.7% 14.1%

Released On 8th Jun 2017