Westfield Continues to be 'Good' (OfSTED May 2018)

A short inspection by OfSTED inspectors in early May confirmed that Westfield “has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection”.

Lead inspector Matthew Shanks in his letter to Principal Chris Hunt wrote “You and your leaders have developed a positive culture at the school. Expectations of pupils are high and the great majority of pupils respond positively to this”. The letter also notes “teaching is now strong in the vast majority of subjects”.

Inspectors commented on the good behaviour seen during the inspection; “The vast majority of pupils behave well. In lessons, they are attentive and show good attitudes to their learning. Pupils are welcoming to visitors and keen to emphasise the strong support and encouragement they receive from their teachers. As a result, the culture of the school is one where opportunities are taken and the importance of achieving well is valued among pupils. Around the school, pupils are polite to one another and to adults. Pupils who met inspectors stated that bullying is rare and that any reported incidents are dealt with effectively.”

The report also commented on arrangements to keep children safe. “The leadership team has ensured that all safeguarding arrangements are fit for purpose, All members of staff receive appropriate and regular training on matters of safeguarding and they are fully aware of their responsibilities. The vast majority of parents who responded to OfSTED’s online questionnaire, Parent View, also expressed the view that their children are happy and safe.”

Note was made of the strategic site development work of governors over the last decade to provide superb facilities including a floodlit 3G pitch, 300 seat theatre, sports dome, music recording studio, dance studio and floodlit all weather courts. “You have modified school buildings to provide new sports and drama facilities. You have also built a recording studio  to support music. Pupils are enthusiastic about these changes, are motivated by them and value the opportunities they present.” Inspectors note the school is “at the heart of the community it serves.”

The report concludes that leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that:

  • Disadvantaged pupils continue to make accelerated progress so that they achieve as well as other pupils nationally by the end of key stage 4
  • They work with parents further, engaging them in their children’s learning and ensuring that their children attend school regularly

Vice Principal Simon Dallimore was appointed to take on the role of Headteacher in September following Chris Hunt’s retirement at the end of the academic year. Mr Hunt said “We are delighted by the outcome of the recent inspection which is a tribute to the continued dedication, enthusiasm and support of staff and governors. It has been a privilege to lead this great school and to share in the excitement of education with so many wonderful young people from our community” Mr Dallimore commented “Our challenge is to build on the inspection findings and address the next steps identified in the report. We have very talented staff - I look forward to working with them to ensure Westfield goes from strength to strength.”

The full report can be found on OfSTED’s website and the school website.

Westfield Academy's next open day and evening is on Thursday 4 October 2018.


Released On 12th Jun 2018