Summary of Pupil Premium Expenditure 2013/14
Westfield Academy received £178,706 in pupil premium funding for the year ending August 31st 2014.
Students with Free School Meals and Ever 6 make up 24% of the school population.
GCSE results published in August 2014 indicate that the gap between FSM and non FSM pupils narrowed from 41% in 2013 to 22% in 2014. The national average for 2013 was 27%, so we believe this will mean our gap is likely to be below the national average in 2014.
Westfield Academy allocated Pupil Premium funding in the following ways:
Targeted Intervention programme which included:
Rapid Reader Plus
Literacy Booster
Talisman Reading
Emotional Literacy
Nurture Goup
Natural Literacy
Speech and language Intervention
Social Stories | £51202 |
Additional Maths and English Teachers to reduce class size | £21726 |
FSM support fund – to subsidise activities | £8500 |
Inspired to Achieve – additional bought in emotional support | £18000 |
Additional Pastoral Support Team | £30268 |
Enhance Curriulum | £25000 |
Additional Ed Psychologist support | £9500 |
Solution Circle meetings | £1500 |
GCSE Pod – revision website | £660 |
Alternative Curriculum – College | £2500 |
Homework Support Club | £2500 |
Music Subsidies | £3500 |
Transport to School | £2850 |
4matrix analysing the gap software | £1000 |
TOTAL | £178,706 |