Careers Education - Employers & Training Providers

At Westfield Academy we are busy growing your employees of the future.  We welcome the help of local businesses to raise the career aspirations of our students, develop their employability skills and learn more about the exciting industries in Somerset.

We welcome Training Providers and employers to come into school and talk to our students. Please see our Provider Access Policy for events and contact details.


How Employers and Training Providers Can Help Our Students

Westfield Academy actively promotes building links and successful working relationships with local employers, training providers and apprenticeship providers. If you are an employer or a provider of training / apprenticeships, and would like the opportunity to come in and talk to students about the courses and jobs you offer then please contact our Careers & Futures Coordinator - Mrs N  Gray e:

We are committed to ensuring all students get a comprehensive careers education, information, advice and guidance programme. In order to demonstrate this, we are working towards the Gatsby Benchmarks. Benchmark 5 encourages us to ensure that all students have encounters with employers and we would welcome any employers who feel they could support us with this.


Employers & Businesses

There are many ways employers can support our students:

  • If you have an apprenticeship or job you wish to fill, please email us the details. We will then arrange for the information to be shared with students who are seeking a workplace and looking for that type of employment.
  • Presenting an assembly regarding Careers - giving information about your company, role and career path.
  • Providing Work Experience to our students. Year 10 complete a five-day placement in March, which they start arranging from September onwards. We currently work with over 200 businesses and always welcome more.
  • Assisting with the Year 11 Mock Interview event. This is held in February before they start interviewing for college places. Around 20 interviewers attend to give all of our Year 11 students an interview experience.
  • We aim where possible to bring the careers and workplace application into curriculum lessons. We welcome links with employers who can contribute to a specific subject department by either allowing students to visit their company on a school trip, or come into school to deliver an aspect of subject curriculum to a class.

 If you are able to assist or would like to find out more information about the work of our Careers department, please contact Mrs Gray using the details above.